How a Divorce Could Benefit from Mediation

Must I Take My Divorce to Court?
We all know that the court system is supposed to be the pinnacle of deliberating, fairness, and justice. However, did you know that the courtroom should actually be the last stop you should make in resolving any legal decision? Before taking your divorce to the courtroom (where you do not have ultimate decision-making power), consider instead using mediation. You can quickly obtain a highly experienced divorce mediation attorney at the Law Offices of Matthew Z. Martell in Sarasota, Florida.
What is Mediation?
Perhaps the best way to define and explain mediation is to use analogies. Disputes between humans begin early in life; we have all certainly seen a one-year-old’s feud over a toy. Fast forward to age 3 when sharing is almost a bad word. Then, once children enter school, faculty and staff must work diligently to teach sharing, cooperation skills, problem-solving and compromising. When a dispute exists between two students, it is the teacher or school administrator who must play the role of mediator. A key word in mediation is compromise; in compromise, both parties receive some satisfaction and/or consideration. This is unlike a trial or even an arbitration where a judge or a jury makes a final decision.
Mediation is a much more preferable — and is a routinely court-ordered — alternative to resolving various disputes and conflicts, such as those that occur in real estate property disputes, business partnerships disputes, landlords and tenant disputes, neighbor disputes, family law disputes, and of course in divorces as well.
Sarasota, Florida divorce mediators and divorce mediation lawyers such as Matthew Z. Martell offer this highly popular legal service to many clients each year. The parties involved work informally together to resolve the issues in dispute and reach a compromise with the divorce mediator’s professional assistance.
Where Can I Find a Divorce Mediation Lawyer?
Although it isn’t a requirement to use a lawyer in a divorce mediation, it is a very good idea to have legal representation for one. The Law Offices of Matthew Z. Martell, P.A. have mediated numerous divorce cases in Sarasota, Florida. Attorney Matthew Z. Martell has the experience to provide you with needed legal advice as well as addressing your specific legal concerns as they arise during your mediation for your divorce. Sarasota, Florida divorce mediation attorneys such as Matthew Z. Martell also ensure that any marital settlement agreement reached at your divorce mediation is a legally sound agreement. Contact us at (941) 556-7020 today for your phone consultation. We are here for you!