Things to Consider Before a Divorce

If you are considering getting a divorce, then you should consider the Law Offices of Matthew Z. Martell, P.A. because we have one of the best Sarasota divorce lawyers in practice in Sarasota County and Manatee County today. It is important that you consult with and retain an experienced Sarasota divorce attorney if you are considering getting a divorce. Many divorces are contested, and emotions run high for a variety of reasons. The steady hand of the experienced Sarasota divorce attorney at the Law Offices of Matthew Z. Martell, P.A. offers the knowledge of the divorce process that will wisely guide you— from the beginning of your divorce right up until the execution and filing of the Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage.
Sarasota divorce lawyers such as Matthew Z. Martell handle divorces on a daily basis and are familiar with the terms, conditions and customs employed by the Sarasota County and Manatee County court system. Laypersons are simply not trained or well-prepared these type of legal matters. That is why it is crucial that you consult with and retain an Sarasota divorce attorney at the very beginning of your divorce instead of waiting, trying to do it yourself, messing it up, and then having to pay double or triple the costs to get it properly corrected.
Some factors to consider before filing for a Sarasota divorce which will make things easier for you are:
-Who will have primary custody of the children?
-Who will remain in the marital residence?
-What does a reasonable timesharing (visitation) schedule look like?
-Will alimony be required?
-Have you obtained all of your financial documents? Will they be with you at the time you consult with your divorce attorney?
-Do you have the funds necessary to retain a divorce attorney?
-Is there equity in your marital residence?
-What assets do you and your spouse have to divide such as real property, bank accounts, brokerage accounts, jewelry, 401Ks, IRAs, etc.?
These are only a few of the many factors that must be considered at the time of a divorce. This is the reason that retaining Sarasota divorce attorney Matthew Z. Martell is the wisest move you can make. Call him today at (941) 556-7020 and schedule your initial phone consultation today.